Wednesday, June 24, 2009
'you had the power all along'
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
First, once again - a big thanks to everyone's participation in our title search. I am interested in dialogues, points of view and perspectives in all parts of this process and in the work itself. I think it starts with our process as a group. What do we all think and have to say? I am grateful that you are willing to put your ideas out there and that we can create a process that we feel safe and invested to do that.
Thank you Colin for providing the podcast links. Check them out.... lots of interesting stuff in both of these!
Also, Colin you put forth a very solid argument in favor of the title Gyre. You nudged me back in that direction. HOWEVER, in our prod. design meeting today (before I had read this) everything seems to have shifted. FLUSH.
Ariel Dance Theatre presents
The Gyre Project, Part III
so far this is maybe my fav way of including the language about "The Gyre Project"
other ideas?
Sleeping on this - but there seems to be a consensus coming in in favor of FLUSH.
Since I also spend a daily hour in a city park with Roscoe, I have to agree that making people responsible and to get them to pick up their shit, or their dog's shit, is very difficult if there is not a consequence. Hence, cameras and a fine. It is annoying, disgusting and actually unbelievable that people leave their trash, dog shit.... or clearly also their own shit, where they drop it. HELLO?
It reminds me of a child learning responsibility. We learn through consequence. If someone has never had a consequence for certain behavior maybe they will never be aware of it or change it. I think the first step is maybe education & awareness - there are ways to bring attention to this, as a community, to inspire change.
On the other side, what about more toilet resources available for those who don't have the luxury of having a home with one?
What about more trash bins, with signs in whatever languages are needed, that encourage cleaning up. That promote that this is their park too. Take care of it. For you and for everyone else you share it with. Look how beautiful it is!
It comes down to awareness. responsibility. How much are we willing to do to help those who don't have these things?
It sounds hard to catch the owner of a dog who hasn't picked up the poop. Maybe there could be poop patrol cops, who just walk around watching dogs poop and watch to see if the owner picks it up or walks away. Maybe these folks have to have the threat of the ticket to WAKE UP!